On November 5, 2024, registered voters in Woodland Park and Teller County, Colorado may vote on four local ballot questions. Two of the ballot questions – Ballot Question 1A & 1 B will be on ALL Teller County ballots. Ballot Question 2A will appear ONLY on the ballots of Woodland Park residents (those living in the WP City limits). Ballot Question 7A1 will appear on ballots where residents reside within the Ute Pass Regional Health District boundaries.
The analysis, constructed by the Greater Woodland Park Chamber of Commerce, is intended to provide an objective overview of the four initiatives on the ballot. For each initiative, neutral explanations are provided, including the ballot question, arguments for and against, and an outline of potential fiscal impacts. The Chamber does not evaluate the merits of these arguments nor does it guarantee their validity. This information is offered as a resource to help voters make informed decisions.
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The Greater Woodland Park Chamber of Commerce serves as a catalyst to promote the business prosperity of our community!
The Chamber does this by providing promotional, networking, marketing, educational, advocacy and safety opportunities!
What's in the Relocation Packet? The packet includes important information about services and what you will need when you relocate to this area.
Phone 719.687.9885
Mailing Address:
The Greater Woodland Park Chamber Of Commerce
PO Box 9022
Woodland Park, CO 80866-9022
210 East Midland Ave (Hwy 24 & Fairview)
in Woodland Park
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The Greater Woodland Park Chamber of Commerce All rights reserved. All site logos are copyright of their respective companies.
Phone: 719.687.9885
Email: info@gwpcc.biz Powered by ChamberNation